mysql opr records
steps to solove mariadb ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)
| sudo systemctl stop mariadb.service
# kill
vi /etc/my.cnf
under [mysqld] add following line
| sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
mysql -u root
| update mysql.user set Password=password('xxx') where User='root', Host='localhost';
flush privileges;
restore my.cnf
| sudo systemctl restart mariadb.service
Special cases:
check if localhost for root exists
check plugin is empty
check error info, the host after root
mysql add user and enable remote connect
| create user wl identified by 'wl';
GRANT ALL privileges on *.* to wl@'%' identified by 'wl';
flush privileges;
show grants for wl;
incase firewall has been enable
| centos 7
sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3306/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service
sudo systemctl disable firewalld.service
firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=80/tcp --permanent